Sacred Rose Healing
with Madeleine Seraphina
My journey into the “more” of life began when I was living in Bolivia in my twenties, working in environmental work, dedicated to activism, deeply desiring to improve the world I lived in, and yet on the flipside over-consuming, giving my body away too easily, and experiencing emotional imbalance and bursts of intense rage. I reached a point where I knew something had to change, and at that time a colleague of mine invited me to a Kundalini Yoga workshop, so I went along.
This set me on a path of practising Kundalini Yoga and going on to become a teacher. My focus began to shift towards expanding consciousness, and my “fix-the-world” activism transformed into creating community, promoting conscious food, and teaching yoga. I loved my life and was enjoying the journey. And yet a time came when life brought me back to England, and I could sense an undercurrent tugging me to explore something different. So I trusted and travelled back to the land of my birth and surrendered to a year of following my intuition alone to determine my path.

In Bolivia I had started to attend women’s circles, and was just beginning to connect and understand myself more deeply as a woman. But there was so much more I had not even begun to delve into. My year of exploration took me to many different people, groups and places, as well as opening me up to profound new spiritual experiences. Later that year, trusting in each clue along the trail, I met a medicine woman who invited me to a sacred feminine mystery school. So began the next chapter of my life.
I spent four years in the mystery school, and there I unveiled many parts of my soul that until then had been entirely hidden to me. I was entering experiences and dimensions that radically expanded my consciousness and opened me to the depths and expanses of this life and the omniverse. A key part of this journey was when I uncovered my deepest core wound that I had known nothing about until that moment, and which suddenly explained so much of my struggles and the soul path I was walking.
This was a pivotal moment in my life, and led to a radical unfolding of my psyche, my wounding, my behaviours and my operating systems. What ensued were many months, hours and ceremonies of sitting with my pain and discomfort, and meeting the deeper possibilities of who and how I could really be underneath all the survival layers I had built up. This journey took me to a deep dedication to the pathway of the Sacred Rose.
While the mystery school journey was such a powerful and significant container to discover my deeper self and soul path, there came a time where the dynamics within that container became the greater teacher. Through a series of events, I was forced to leave and to begin to carve out my own pathway.
The journey that lay beyond turned out to be largely about the integration of these profound spiritual experiences into my day to day human life. Learning how to be safe in my body, how to ground my spirituality into my daily experience, how to become whole, natural and free as all that I am, and how to show up healthily in relationship with my beloved.
As I have walked this most recent piece of the track, growing into sacred living and embodied spirituality, I have been able to fine tune my gifts for supporting other women. I came to understand that I have a beautiful skill for holding space for women to feel safe in their whole experience, including their agony, their pain and their distortions, together with their deep soul nature, beauty and light, helping them to see the full spectrum of themselves and find greater acceptance in the whole. This natural ability, combined with my oracular gift and my deep Earth connection provide the basis of my services.
I also love to blend sacred anointing and healing oils, as well as offering healings through the feet, in reflection of the path of the Magdalene. Through all my offerings I weave song, drum, primordial language and, where called for, ancestral connection. In my most recent times of living in the Malvern Hills, I also love to bring in connection with these sacred lands and their precious spring waters where it flows to do so.