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Sacred Rose Healing

with Madeleine Seraphina

I am so humbled and grateful to walk this path. I see a world around us, so broken, so filled with harms and suffering, glistening allure overlaying devastating shadows.


And yet in the midst of all this is our humanity and our hearts. How is it that this continues? Why is there so much harm being perpetuated across our planet? Why does so much cruelty and suffering take place in our homes and in our communities? What happened to our organic way of living? Where is our primal knowing of what this life is truly for?


What I feel and see that stands in the way of humanity embodying the love, peace and beauty that is our birthright, is a history of harms and abuses, that has left so many of us deeply at a loss, hurt, afraid to feel, and disconnected from soul and spirit.




I believe that the truth of our humanity is radiant, blissful, loving and gentle. And yet when we ourselves have experienced harms, we shrink in order to protect ourselves and we adopt mechanisms to survive. And often these mechanisms inadvertently perpetuate the harms we are trying to hide from. We continue to hurt one another, while our souls simply desire to love and care for one another, and all Life.





So how can we free ourselves from this? Firstly, by feeling. The only way through and out of our suffering and our shut down is to feel the pain, the ravaging sorrows, our anger and suffering, in order to gain access to the places that we hid away when we couldn’t cope. As we feel more and expand our experience of life, our range of capacity, then we start to also feel the more subtle beauties of life – we start to awaken and notice the sweetness of the breeze, of the flowers, of the Earth. We also become more attuned to others and more able to care and understand their experiences.




As we walk this path, we begin to realise the immense beauty of this life, the expansiveness of what we can actually feel on this journey, the true magic of this multidimensional experience of being – for as we expand and become more sensitive, we can realise that there is so much more to life than what we knew.


That in truth there are great mysteries, unfathomable depths and myriad dimensions to this reality – all available for us to explore, connect with, and know intimately. Both within our bodies - miraculous creations of the blessed elements of life - and all around us in Nature, in the Earth, in the sky, and deep within our spirit. We are all of this.



This is what we came here to experience. And each one of us has a different journey to take to expand into this more joyous, sacred and beautiful life. This doesn’t mean it’s free of difficulties, as sometimes in fact in can feel even harder than the safe, shelled-in life, but the breadth of experience and the soaring beauty available within makes it all worth its while.


The journey can sway between feeling agonising, desperate, at times hopeless - and delicious, magical and glorious. I am here to support you, if you wish, as you walk through whichever pathways life is guiding you along, to discover greater possibilities and beauty amongst the thorns and brambles.





And oftentimes, among the thorns, we find the Rose. Our Sacred Feminine essence, and the true marvellous beauty of this blessed life. This is our birthright. To know the immense joy and pleasure of being alive.

In these bodies. On this Earth. Now.

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