Sacred Rose Healing Offerings
Sacred Rose Oracle: In a Sacred Rose Oracle session, we open up sacred space and then invite in a selection of oracle and tarot cards, to bring forward insights, guidance, healing and support along your pathway. This session is a transmission of multidimensional support, and often comes with recommendations for supporting your wellbeing, insights into your spiritual path, ritual guidance and/or insights in relation to life decisions. This is a healing-focused session (not predictive), and will usually reveal the shadows or unmet wounds that are seeking support or resolution to enable you to progress on your journey and in your embodiment. 2-2.5 hours.
Sacred Holding, Listening and Reflection * : In this offering, I hold deep, sacred space, where you are invited to share whatever is present for you, and I listen with love, care and multidimensional and Nature-connected awareness, enabling us together to explore what wants to be seen, revealed or compassionately met, for you to find healing, clarity, and/or direction on your path. 1-1.5 hour session.

Sacred Rose Oils: Based on your sharing of what support you are seeking, I will blend you a Sacred Healing or Annointing Oil, made with beautiful quality essential oils and infused with healing and blessing energies harmonised with your needs and requests. £33 + postage for a 20 minute consultation + 15ml bottle of oil delivered to you.
Sacred Rose Women's Circle: Next round gathering from September 2024 in Malvern. This circle will be a gentle space to connect with sacred feminine energies and the support of Nature, where we can share what is in our hearts. We will also sing medicine songs that support our connection with the sacred feminine and the Earth. Please get in touch if you'd like to join.
Ritual and Ceremony * : I can either hold space for you in a Sacred Ceremony or we can go out on the land together and I support you to tune in and receive your own ritual, working with the elements and beings of Nature, to support you along your soul journey and multidimensional experience. Please get in touch to discuss if you feel drawn to this option.
Sacred Rose Healing & Blessing: In this session, I will blend a Sacred Rose Healing Oil to support your needs and then offer an intuitive and multidimensional healing massage and blessing of your feet, that supports shifting and releasing stagnant energies and emotions, opening up to new states and welcoming love and supportive energies into your energy system. 1-1.5 hour session.
Exchange: £66 for a 1-1.5 hour session or £88 for a 2-2.5 hour session.
Offerings denoted by a * are new and are initially being offered at a discounted rate. Please contact me to explore the options.